Monday, October 4, 2010

Going With The Flow

I've begun to feel more comfortable with the changes in my life. I can take frequent trips out-of-town with my son and still be productive and have unexpected fun.

Did a reading for a publisher while I was gone (have computer, will travel). I also had an opportunity to see a small production musical with short notice and had a great time.

Did I spazz out because I wasn't working on my book? No. Why? I knew that my time would be less structured away and allowed myself the break. I knew when I returned home to my (somewhat) normal routine, I'd have plenty of time to work on it.

My new M.O.? Take a deep breath and step away to look @ my options. If there's no actual deadline, I can get it done @ the pace I set. I'll continue to work steadily every day. When I get a request for my work, I'll be almost ready if not finished.

Why make myself sick with what if's? Not gonna happen! I know I'll be successful.

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