Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Can’t Win For Winning, or, Too Much Of A Good Thing.

Everyone who knows me knows that my fantasy “novel” is a work in progress – at best. While I have six or seven phenomenal scenes that will help make it a Nebula Award winner, I don’t have a tale epic enough for a novel.

Last week I thought of an additional, semi-major, character that excited me. I “outlined” the rules of his magic in my story. Wrote out his plot line, knew when he would enter the story, how to place him on hold until the epic battle (or whatever) and what his involvement would be.

I determined that his part would be 7,000 to 12,000, then transcribed my notes from paper to Word and brought it to a writer’s group yesterday.

With the exception of one person who didn’t understand it (but was okay that I could) everyone loved it. Loved the character. Loved the rules of his magic. Loved him as much as I did.

So, what’s the problem? Everyone loved him too much. “The rules I set for his magic are such a ‘game changer’ he can support his own novel.” “You have to be careful to limit his involvement. He has the potential to take over your story.” “He needs his own story.”

Just fantastic. I either have to severely limit a character who could add over 10% to my novel OR I have two unfinished novels without enough material for either.

Back to the storyboard. (I don’t draw.)

It is truly possible to have too much of a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. There's a problem I'd love to have...too MUCH material.

    It's an awesome story idea, though, so make sure you go through with it! (As one of the writer's group attendees, I had the wonderful opportunity to read the outline.)
