Monday, October 25, 2010


My current dilema is how to keep my forward momentum now that I've submitted my first book. I had enough work getting the manuscript ready for submission, so my time was filled. Now, there are several books wanting my attention. How do I choose?

I also have two books started with two differnt critique groups. So my best bet would be to divide my time between the two (if possible) and get the important stuff done. What's the important stuff, you might ask?

It has been brought to my attention that I need to develop my stories in a more organized fashion using inciting incidents, turning points, climaxes and resolutions. What are those, I asked? I've heard of them but never learned how to use them. Even my eighteen-year-old son laughed at me on the drive to Philadelphia Friday. "Mom, we learned about all that in third grade!" (My only excuse is I don't remember much from grammar school except the boys I had crushes on.)

So, with the start of the NaNo looming, I'm going to really work on my plotting strategies and see how quick a learner I can be.

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