Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Horizons

Here we are almost a month out from the conference and I'm lovin' it. I finished editing a short piece and sent on to the I'm just killing time, doing the patience dance. Which consists of working on my WIP, plot( I know... weird huh.) and getting in touch with my writing side.
A first happened to me a few days ago I was having coffee with a few friends, when two of my characters demanded face time. A story I put away months ago because I worked myself into a corner and couldn't see a window to crawl out. And there they were with a proverbial window.  Gotta love the way the subconscious works on ideas silently in the background. 
So now I'm writing more and working more than ever. Thanks to the conference and the extra boost of writing energy. 
Here I am with a schedule, some sparse outlines and creativity dripping from my fingertips. Write On, Write ON!


  1. Isn't it so cool how that stuff worms its way out and on to paper? I know what you mean about the creative flow being energized by the conference. It was the spark many of us needed to get past hurdles blocking us.

    Keep it up, girlfriend. I'm right behind you.
