Thursday, October 8, 2009

Taking Chances

I’m new to writing. I don’t bring the confidence born of a college education or books and articles published for all to see. No one would consider my writing deep – with texture and nuance. Much to my chagrin, I don’t have the skill to write gorgeous text – I’ve tried. There are no layers to my prose.

I write scenes. The longest piece I’ve written is 8700 words. The two stories I’ve sold are 987 words and 1573 words. The prospect of a novel scares the bee-jeepers out of me. I can’t grasp the concept of writing 80,000 words. EIGHTY THOUSAND WORDS.

Yet, I’m now working on a novel. My friend, Phil Tomasso, convinced me that my scenes are chapters. All I have to do is write enough scenes and I will have a novel. It’s still intimidating, but I have nine chapters of 1200 words each. Only 70,000 words more.

Poetry – not a fan. Perhaps I’m shallow, but if I have to work to understand what you are saying, you aren’t doing your job. However, after hearing Pat Gore’s poems (during numerous writer’s group), I discovered I don’t dislike all poetry. Her poetry moved me more than I thought was possible in 200 words.

How has that affected me? I wrote a poem. I’m the guy who hasn’t written poetry since high school, and never voluntarily. Now I have written TWO poems. Pat has shown me that, in twenty-five words, you can evoke an emotion strong enough to bring you to tears.

Generally, I only read fantasy. To date, I have written science fiction, shape shifter, humor, serial killer, romantic adventure, and alternate reality. My novel is a YA fantasy with two girls as the protagonists. (It has yet to be determined if I can pull that off.)

I’ve grown as a writer. I’m not good, yet, but I’m twenty times the writer I was three years ago, when all this started. And, I discovered that I may have a talent for critiquing. (NOT in-depth, technical, your preposition is dangling, critiquing, but forty-three pages ago you said XYZ so you can’t FGR now.)

I no longer make my friends read everything before I present to a writer’s group. I’m more confident of what I can do, more relaxed with my writing. (And, frankly, my friends hate fiction and never “got it.”)

NONE of this would have happened if I hadn’t taken chances. Hadn’t put myself out there for everyone to see. For everyone to say, “It would work better if you….”

Bottom line, it is sooooo worth it. Get out there and take a chance. Write.


  1. This is a great post and I completely understand what you are saying. In the 4-5 years since I've been writing novels, I have grown by leaps and bounds once I joined writing groups, critique groups etc.


  2. Oh, Steve I know exactly what you mean, especially about nuance and depth. I'm still at the 'he said; she said' stage. It's a little scary when you first have a few critiques too. You're brave to try poetry. I think it illustrates what's in your soul.

    Keep it up!
