Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finding time

I always thought when I "retired" from my day job, I would have all the time in the world to write. Hah!!

I didn't figure on falling in love with my first grandchild, then offering to provide child care when her mother returned to work as a school counselor. Of course, as things go, my sweet Meredith did not remain an infant, nor did she stay the lone grandchild for long. I [we] now have three, with a player to be name later this year.
And, then there is my tote bag business which demands a fair amount of attention. Adding to the equation are my editor responsibilities.

At the moment, I have approximately six hours spread over three days to edit manuscripts. I use my two days off to make tote bags. The other two days and evenings, I write. In her most recent posting, Kim mentioned "chores" which are as important as the actual writing itself: self-promotion. It does me little good to create the next NYT best seller [hah!] if no one knows about it or me. There are author loops which deserve attention; blogs for special interest groups; workshops for writers to plan and present; and for me which is most fun--inventing characters.

I wish you all the time you want to write--with none of those pesky little interferences like kids, housework, cooking, laundry, yard work.


1 comment:

  1. I dream of Stephen King's schedule, writing in the morning and reading in the afternoon.
