Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finding Inspiration--Part II

I enjoyed Dee's recent blog about finding inspiration from newspaper headlines. Great idea, considering what Rachel Barnhart told us about the school board at last month's meeting!

I, too, have been one to use headlines for ideas. Both of my published novels reports in the newspaper. Arthur Shawcross called it 'taking care of business' back in the late 80's-early 90's. Others called it murder of 11 women. The apathy of our community and police department was the germ which grew into Captain Marvelous.

A local businessman's fatal overdose, and subsequent manslaughter trial for his two cohorts who delivered the last speedball because, they claimed, "he begged us to do it", became Try Just Once More. Two sad parts about this particular story:
1. in his constant search for the instant relief brought only by addictive substances, the businessman probably did beg his using pals to give him the hit that ended his life in a seedy motel room known for catering to the drug trade.
2. his family knew nothing about his drug use. Imagine receiving a middle of the night visit by the local gendarmes who tell you your spouse/partner/father/brother/best friend dropped dead after a shot of cocaine laced with Drano.

But I digress . . .

Lately there have been some very funny commercials on TV: the couple sitting in front of the TV set. She speaks in [what I think is Olde English]: "You may converse with him on the morrow at the bowling of the balls. For tonight we shall feast and revel." He grabs a giant bowl of popcorn and asks, "I love feasting and frolicking [or words to that effect]; is this [popcorn] the limit of the feast or is there more?"
I love it.

A second is the baby sitting in front of the TV set while an adult male practices on a putting green in the background. With much waving of hands and scowling, the kid calls him a shagasaurus. Hoot!!! Who dreams up this stuff?


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