Sunday, October 18, 2009

Find Stories from Headlines

A lot of writers claim to get their stories from the headlines. I decided to test that theory by today’s (Sunday) Democrat & Chronicle. Front page reads, City School District considers change in money distribution.
Doesn’t sound very exciting, but I thought I’d play around with some scenarios.

1. Two school board members battle over what programs get funding. Heated arguments spill over to the local coffee shop, where Amy Miller and Thomas Gilbert find love and compromise.
2. School district cuts funding for a music program. Sheila Hart finds a creative way to keep her program alive.
3. It’s no mystery why school board member Lois Bennett is fighting change when the money is being funneled into her secret account.
4. When parents picket city school district, sparks fly between single mom and Officer Wilson.
5. Teachers march on Albany to protest funding. Coach Rob Mitchell picks up fourth grade teacher Maggie Jones, literally, when she sprains her ankle.

Guess it works.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Great way to get your creative juices going that's four really cool short romances. My brain just kicked into over drive. Thanks so much for the tip.
