Tuesday, October 27, 2009


An ironic situation occurred Saturday, the day I made my presentation on gender POV to the group.

The day before I had been looking into NaNoWriMo (National November Writer's Month), considering whether or not to join up, especially being as busy as I am with so many other things, and only having about two hours a day to write.

Then, in the gift I was given for presenting, was a book by the man who started NaNoWriMo! Of all things!

Those who don't know what NaNoWriMo is...you sign up at NaNoWriMo.org, where a community of like-minded writers await. As soon as November 1st rounds the bend, you find time to write roughly at least 1,6667 words per day until November finally closes its eyes to sleep. At that point, exhausted, bewildered, hopefully exhilarated, you will have finished a 50,000 novel. All you win is recognition, but isn't that what we're all looking for anyhow? To say, I've finished a novel. In a month! Yipee Skippee!

And then you'll spend the next two years revising and editing it.

Anyhow, I'm considering joining up...in the spirit of camaraderie and deadlines. Plus, I can't help but feel that receiving the book is a sign!

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