Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is it about books...

...and movies...and fiction in general? Ever since I was a little girl I had a thing for romance and yes, the typical, shhhh, don't tell's so politically incorrect now...I've always been drawn to the man rescues the woman stories.

I know, I know, it's cool when the woman's strong and can rescue herself, or at least help herself get halfway there...blah blah blah

Sometimes I feel I get more attached to characters than I do people in real life. I once read an excerpt online from one of my favorite authors. She writes series romances so I'm really invested in the characters. Anyway what she was intimating in this excerpt was something horrible happening to one of the characters and I flipped out!!!! I raved to my husband, all the while laughing at myself knowing it's not real.

I was the same way with the x-files. I had to stop watching it.

My daughter and I were reading Harry Potter today and I actually got all warm and mushy when I read that Neville tried to rescue Ginny from the horrible professor Umbridge (is she dead yet?)
My daughter smiles at me, I'm probably passing it on.

My hope is this 'sensitivity' will transfer into my writing.
I still like white knights, but I write strong women.
I still love happy endings, which people who know me will tell you. I always want to know how the movie ends before I see it, if there's any question it may end bad...forget it. (I mean really, what's the point? Who wants to go to a movie and be let down...there's enough real life for that!!)

Ah, here's my white knight now, we're going to watch a movie....uh oh...

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