Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Goals

Everyone is talking about resolutions, what they are going to change. I have a few goals in mind, some have been goals for the past few months and others are new. But they are my goals for 2010. I have written them down on a sticky note above my computer. My kids look at it and make faces but it 's there. Part One, I am going to finish the first draft of my NaNo story before March. Part Two do revisions on said story. I am going to write everyday, goes along with the finish the story. And I will go to the gym. Yeah my goals sound simple on the page, but in reality they are hard for me, because I can't seem to sit still long enough the accomplish them. Even going to the gym is short lived because of all the other stuff on my plate. But there they are, they are attainable but I have to work at it. Life is what we make of it and if it were easy we would be bored. So as the new year rolls in tonight and I'll be celebrating with friends and family I will be looking forward to what is to come. Pull out the grapes, the oranges or champagne and toast a new year. Or should I say pull out your pens, laptops and paper and get ready. See ya next year.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, making goals! You're inspiring me to do the same. My first goal being to continue with novel revisions (I'm so close, yet so far away from reaching that). I want my next goal to be to eat better and get exercise. But I've already failed that...

    Anyhow, great post, Deb!
