Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The year 2009 is at a close. I think this is the first year I don't have a true resolution. I'm on the fast track to losing weight, so I don't need to list it. My personal life is better than it's been, so being happier isn't necessary to list.

Psychologists recommend writing a gratitude list (so does my friend). I might as well write it here.

1. I'm grateful to be alive and have my family around me.
2. I'm grateful to all my friends; writers, fellows, co-workers, etc.
3. I'm grateful to have God back in my life
4. I'm grateful for a creative mind and heart.

However, there is a small list of improvements I'd like to work on during this coming year, the beginning of a new decade

1. I WILL schedule time to write each and every day. I schedule other parts of my daily life, why not writing too?
2. I WILL continue to strive for a clutter-free workspace, rest space and living space. So much clutter distracts me from my writing goals.
3. I WILL continue my business education, one step at a time, to make me marketable in this depressed job market.
4. I WILL achieve my ideal weight goal this year, if not in the first half of the year.
5. I WILL submit at least one manuscript to a publisher this year. (I'M MAKING THIS GOAL PUBLIC SO I HAVE TO ACHIEVE IT - YOU KNOW, ACCOUNTABILITY)

What a nice, short list. When have I ever had a clear enough focus on what I want to achieve at any time? Never before. Thank God for everything he has done for me this year.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year. May your gratitude list be equal to or greater than mine, as well as your goal list.

Clink! Clink!! That's my glass clinking with yours in toast to the upcoming decade. May it be a fruitful one for all of us.

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