Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What The Season Means to Me

I've been blessed with new insight into what this holiday season is really about. God Bless my friend who encouraged me to rent a cute, sexy Mrs. Claus costume. I wanted to wear it this week at work (I'm a hostess in a small, family diner).

At first, it was just an idea, a lark. The tables were turned on me when I first wore it Monday during the lunch hours. People who see me regularly there laughed when they walked in. Those who haven't seen me in a while were startled, but they grinned or laughed. As I walked through the restaurant seating customers, bussing tables and cashing customers out, smiles were everywhere.

My heart burst with sudden clarity. This season is about bringing happiness and joy to those around us. Amidst the chaos the merchants have created in our lives, I'm able to bring people a brief respite from the madness. They may come in with heavy hearts, grumpiness or just the "bah-humbug" feeling. When they leave I see happiness and delight reflected in their eyes and smiles.

This the season to be joyful and thankful for all the blessings of family and friends.

Thank you to the LC_RW members, some new friends and some old friends, for bringing my focus back to my deepest desire - writing. I wish you all a truly wonder-filled, joyous holiday and a happy, healthy New Year!

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