Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Utalize all Talents

Within LCRW we have some people of extraordinary talent. And not just writing talent. What I am proposing is a pool of all these talents. Who knows how to publize? Who knows how to plot? Who knows the ways of the computer? Who knows how to get things done? Without straining my brain even a tad the answers to these questions are obvious. But I guess what I am asking is who has the hidden talent?
I would like to create a booklet that will be reviewed annually to take advantage of the new talent. It would be a part of the membership packet. I will gladly compile the information, I would like this brought up at the next meeting. I'll be there and will raise the question under new business.
Remember what you think of as a nothing skill may be far more valuable to someone else than you can possibly realize. People often ask me why I don't paint more as I am a fair artist, but for me it is as natural as walking. I suppose to another person it would be considered a skill. I am sure each of us has something to offer and I would like to have a complation of these talents at my finger tips. Can't make this program work the way I am doing it, just look in the book and find out how. Also we should make the talents known so If you are having a problem you can't find the answer to your question in the book, contact someone who can help. That is what this organization is for, to help each other. WRITE ON!

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