Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Writing from my head...

As a writer I have a picture in my head of how scenes will go. I can see them perfectly, know what the hero and heroine are going to do, how they are going to do it, what it will look like, etc.

But there are times that for the life of me, I cannot get it out on paper. When I try to put into words the scene I'm imagining, it comes out sounding flat.

What do you guys do to solve this dilemma when you are faced with it? Do you just write what you see/feel to get it out and then go back and beautify it?

And then I read my favorite authors, and they write their words so beautifully. Maybe I just need to go for it, write over the top, fluffy stuff, and then go back and see how it sounds.

Just the thoughts going through my head this evening.
Would love your input.


  1. Go for it, write it down the first time through. When you go back and read try to beef it up more or less. Don't worry, there is an editor for everything ;)

  2. I agree with Deb. My first drafts always suck. Once I have the idea, however, I can take my sentences apart and sew them back together again with straighter lines, neater corners. Embellish if necessary.

    If you feel this keeps happening, though, perhaps you are not writing the story you feel passionate enough about. Maybe you're trying too hard to write for a particular type of audience, and not for yourself. Just a thought. I know it happens to me sometimes.
