Saturday, June 6, 2009

new directions

The first meeting of the Westside Critique Congregation was last Wed. Though not attended my many the evening was fruitful. Each of us learned something from the others. I would personally like to see more unpublished authors at the next meeting. Those seem to offer less technically hindered critiques, that is more like readers. This feedback is most valuable because we write to readers. Though most writers are readers prepublished readers offer the most pure critique, at least in my experience.
I was talking to Donna Collins and she suggested the group have an on line subscription to the Writers Market. I think it is an idea that merits consideration. We would only need one subscription, each member of the group with paid up dues would be given the common password. Each year when dues are due the password would be changed. Think about it.

On another matter that plagues me, I would like to see instituted a market plan. I hate to do the publicity, which is why my sales are low. If everyone who knows anything about publicity could put together a plan it would be most helpful to the group. Wouldn't it be nice to have a member who sells in this tight market? I for one would like to know about Face Book, Twitter and other networking plans. I am no kid, so am not as technially savy as you younger folks. It can't be all that hard, yet I fear to try. I like to have things all laid out before I jump in the pool. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.
Continuing in this vein we have within this group a member who should be called the Queen of Networking and to my knowledge she does not have a lot of computer skills. Come on Kathy tell us how you do it. She has the knack for remembering folks names and situations and always offers assistance to everyone. I noted this knack sometime ago and have yet to figure out how she does it. Ms. Cottrell please share.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am off to visit my grandson who is turning 18 and the worst of it is he's my youngest grandson. I've gone from koolaid to medicade. Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. Stay well and take care of each other.
Dee Carey
The Foxlady

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post! I think marketing is a very difficult piece of the puzzle for most people. How much time should be spent on social networks getting your name out there? What advertising sites give the most bang for the buck? It's all a mystery to me...

