Friday, June 12, 2009

The light goes on...

I was in TWRP greenhouse, which is full of great articles on the mechanics of writing.
Since I've been writing, and sharing my writing, I've heard over and over - Show don't tell.
I have always had trouble understanding it. I think I do and then I blow it again.

Anyways, I went to the greenhouse and found an article on Show vs. Tell and I think I finally got it!

Once sentence by Linda Carroll-Bradd was all it took.

An easy way to determine this is to ask yourself, does my sentence describe a feeling or an impression or does it describe a physical action?

Aha! I get it.
When my heroine is feeling scared, unsure or nervous, I can use body language to show this.
She can play with her hair, shift her weight, cross her arms, clear her throat etc.

I have been excited ever since.


Ever since I read this I have been smiling, bouncing in my seat, retyping many sentences and telling everyone I know.


  1. That one line really does break down what can be a difficult concept. I still struggle with the show don't tell rule, and have to go back and re-read my work about a hundred times :-)

    Thanks for finding and sharing that tip!


  2. Isn't it wonderful when that light bulb goes on! Good for you, Christine! And Linda is amazing, I've learend a lot from her articles, as well.

    Happy showing!


  3. From what I understand, that's why adding "back-story" is so frowned upon. It's usually a big pile of telling stuck in the middle of an otherwise well-paced moment.
