Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Writing Exercise for your WIP (part 1)

If you're like me, you like playing around with your story, revising until your fingertips are calloused from typing. So I am proposing exercises to (hopefully) strengthen your manuscript. You may already use these methods, but if not, maybe it will give you something to work with.

First of all, I suggest starting with a chapter in the middle of your story or novel. The middle seems to be where most of my creative writing students falter the most. Sometimes it needs a "pick-me-up." Therefore, that is why I propose beginning in the middle, so to speak.

Notice your character's reactions. Are they strong? Is there emotional conflict? Every scene should either drive the plot or add emotional impact. If your scene does not have enough oomph, take it up a notch. Again, this is only an exercise. It may not work for your particular novel, but it's fun to see where it might lead.

Here's an example:
Cinderella realizes she doesn't have a dress for the ball. Good conflict. Let's take it up a notch.

"All my clothes look like soot and ashes. I can't go. It's not fair!" She kicked the broom and it skittered into the corner. Cinderella glared at it. "It's all your fault, you pathetic thing! Wal-Mart special! If only I had the Nimbus 2000, this place would be spotless!"

The broom shook, sputtered to life. Startled, Cinderella shrieked. The broom chased her around the room, sweeping all the while, until the place was spotless.

See how I've given the old story new life? Try it with your work, see what happens. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised at what comes out. Good luck!

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