Friday, November 20, 2009

Old Friends

As I try to finish my mss, I had the niggling sense that I was missing something. One day it finally came to me. A book I had started (in between the two mss' I'm writing now)was no where to be found. It wasn't on my computer or the flash drive I keep my mss' on. Where was it?

This new 12-step program I'm on says you should pray about anything in your life, big or small. Well, this is a pretty small matter, but what the heck. I'll give it a shot.

After three days of praying for help in finding this story, I find it! Luckily it had been printed out and was saved in a nice, zip-up binder. Now, everything is on hold with all my work until I get the danged thing transcribed onto the flash drive.

I'm so caught up with it, the pages are flying as fast as my fingers can work. My husband is disgusted with me because it's the first time I've really been focused on getting my writing done. Of course, it didn't help that he was trying to nap in the same room I was typing in.

So the moral of this story is to always know where your friends are.

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