Monday, May 24, 2010

Turning into a Hallmark Commercial...

Lately I've been plowing through boxes of Kleenex. Some of the tears I expected. A song on the radio that reminds me of my recently deceased mother sends a river pouring from my eyes. These moments I embrace. It's a constant reminder of how important she was and still is to me.

Other moments catch me off guard. A little over a week ago my oldest celebrated the sacrament of First Holy Communion. In the middle of the Mass, as I watched him on the altar doing a reading, I started to cry. Everyone around me was smiling, while I pressed the heel of my hand under my eyes to stem the flow of tears.

It's to the point now where my two sons no longer react beyond grabbing a box of tissues. That made this weekend all the more amusing. Friday night my left eye was red and visibly swollen. A flow of steady tears fell through the weekend. This time my boys took notice. Everywhere we went - flag football, lunch, a birthday party, Church - my eye weeped. They were clearly embarrassed (In my defense I did wear sunglasses wherever I could get away with it). I finally explained I was under the seige of allergies. Now my eyes are so red and uncomfortable that I can't cry. Boo hoo!!! I miss my Hallmark moments!


  1. I'm sorry about your mother. I still cry over my father, most of the time because I wish he'd had time to get to know my sons, one whom he never had the chance to meet. (see, I'm crying already thinking about it!)

    It's perfectly understandable why you'd bawl during moments that seem joyous. Sometimes that's when we miss our loved ones the most.

    It seems you have a sense of humor about the overflow of tears. That's good. And I guess you can be thankful for allergy season, too.


  2. Hey Rita,
    Watching our kids grow up and be a part of life - doing things on their own etc. is a great reason for tears. It's just interesting the time it tends to hit.
    They're beautiful and so worthy of joy in life. (And we are too!)
