Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Hero

A few years ago, I did the Pink Ribbon Run on Mother’s Day. While waiting for the event to begin, I struck up a conversation with an older woman. I had an immediate respect for this tiny lady in an over-sized T-shirt and black tights. It was pretty gutsy for a woman her age to run a 5k.
Remember, there was a time when girls could not participate in sports in school and were discouraged from running. Title IX was signed in 1972 granting equality for girls and women in federally funded education, especially athletic programs. I graduated in 1971.
I lost track of my new friend at the start of the race, but sought her out afterwards. “If you don’t mind . . .” Curiosity made me forget my good manners. “How old are you?”
She was in her seventies, twenty years older than me. Later, I checked stats on the internet. She’d kicked my butt by ten minutes.
Sunday, I’ll be at the Pink Ribbon Run. I’ll be looking for that old woman. And, I hope she kicks my butt again!


  1. Donna, that sounds like so much fun! :)

  2. Good for you doing the race, Donna! One of my dreams is to run in the 5k. And win...ha ha. But I admire you for doing the race, even if the older woman kicked your butt. :)
