Saturday, May 29, 2010


I was impressed at how many people came up with such wonderful word choices at our last LCRW meeting where my mother was the guest speaker.

Even though I'm already awed by the talent in our group, I was amazed at how quickly pen flew to paper and images came flooding out. (And Kat, if you're reading this, you really need to send that poem out somewhere!)

In fact, I urge all of you who feel you've made great headway with fitting words into poetic structure to continue working on what you've begun, and perhaps find a place for it. Many literary magazines take poetry. There are poetry anthologies to break into.

Sometimes working on something new and different helps us become stronger writers in our tried and true. We begin to think out of the box more. And it's a nice diversion when we're stuck on our manuscripts and need to set them down for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. It was an amazing workshop! My guitar-playing husband's dream has been to write at least one song. He has struggled with a couple of ideas, but has yet to get the job done. I believe your mother's workshop would give him structure to get his thoughts onto paper. Let me know when & where she'll be teaching again. I'll have Charlie there!
