Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Did i miss it again?

Crap. Did I miss the deadline again?
Sorry. this living life on life's terms is getting old.
Sometimes it feels like I should unplug one or more of the many irons I have in the current fire, but they're all so much fun--when they're in the mood--that it's hard to pick. Example: why is it so difficult to master the intricacies of child car seats. I, of course, go back to the stone age when children were transported on their mother's laps or in car beds in the back seat. Not safe in the least and total chaos ensued when those little devils decided they didn't want to stay in the car bed. But this shoulder/lap/waist plug in here, release there contraption is for the birds!
When a three year-old says, "Tighter, Nana", you know it's time to throw in the towel.
too bad these seats don't come equipped with mouth gags.
Tirade over, I am yours in everlasting writing of adventures--
Kat, the grumpy grandma


  1. Dear Grumpy Grandma:

    It's ironic that something meant to keep children safe gives the rest of us headaches. I have to fight to get my youngest in his seat. He's the stronger of the two of us. Strapping him in is a nightmare. By the time I'm finished, I drag myself to the front seat, exhausted, turn on the engine, and hear my oldest squeak, "Uh, Mom? You forgot my seatbelt."


    Pooped Parent

  2. I remember Emily arching her back, making it IMPOSSIBLE to strap her in. What the heck do you do then?

    I'm glad I didn't grow up using car seats, I'd be claustrophobic.

    Heck, we didn't even have to wear seatbelts and when the law changed, we hated it!

    A friend of mine once said, the safer cars are made, the worse people drive. It's probably true.

    Imagine if a huge metal spike protruded from the steering wheel, you'd be driving very safely.
