Wednesday, September 9, 2009


For those who don't already know, I finally signed with a literary agent. Yay! I'm quite proud of myself, since I've been trying for over two years now.

Here is what I've learned along the way for those of you pursuing representation or considering it.

1) The query letter must be perfect. I revised my letter quite a few times before I began to get manuscript requests. Summing up a plot in one tiny paragraph is difficult. There are even classes you can take for this, it's such a difficult feat to master.

2) Do not sit on your hands and wait after an agent has requested your manuscript. You will be waiting a long time for a possible rejection. Unless the agent requests an exclusive (and never give them more than 30 days), continue to submit your query to other agents. I wasted a lot of time waiting around for responses.

3) If an agent requests your manuscript, let them know you are open to revisions (unless, of course, you aren't). This might make or break your chance if they like your writing but feel the plot needs tweaking.

4) If another agent is interested in representing you, let the other agents who have your manuscript know about this. They will get back to you even sooner on your work, at which time they may also request to represent you. You will then have your choice of who you feel is the best fit. (This is what happened to me.) Don't automatically go with the first agent who says yes until you've explored all other options. Let them know you need a week to let them know, check references, etc.

5) Do not give up. I sent my manuscript to 35 agents over a span of two years.

I will be happy to answer any other questions pertaining to agents if anyone likes. I did a lot of research on it, and of course, experience was my best learning tool. Having an agent does not guarantee that I will have my novel published, but it does help my confidence level. And it gives me a better chance of getting in with a great publishing house.


  1. Kim,
    many many many congratulations on this accomplishement!!!

  2. Thanks Kat and Christine. I'm getting closer to my goal of having a novel published before I turn eighty. (I'm giving myself plenty of time.)

  3. I am jumping up and down for you! Whoa. Wonderful job.
