Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When the Well Runs Dry

You can’t draw from a dry well. Same thing when your creative juices are low, writing suffers. You need to recharge. Here are some tips.
• Read- Curl up with your favorite author or catch up on the bogs. It never hurts to find out what everyone else is writing.
• Chill- Downtime is not always bad. Step back and get refocused. Go to the Mall and do some people watching. Observe and take notes.
• Journal- Daily entries will get you on track and keep you there.
• Workshops- Sign up for an on-line class or mix and mingle with other writers whenever the opportunity arises.
• Music- Turn up the volume. Bonnie Raitt’s sultry love songs work for me.
• Walk- When you can’t put two sentences together, go for a walk. Get some oxygen flowing to the brain.
• Write- Write, write, write. It will come.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with recharging. I will occasionally take "writing vacations" because I get so fed up with my poor output. It's always just what I need.
