Monday, August 3, 2009

Writing Highs

I sincerely apologize for missing my blog assignments in July. I really don't know where that month went, except maybe it was swept up with the snips of thread and trimmed seam edges from close to 20 tote bags I made in various styles and sizes for the craft shows I'll participate in during the Fall months. When I'm in the Zone, sewing is a high for me.

But, I digress. To give myself some ideas of what to blog on today, I re-read previous entries and found what Christine posted on July 10th: writing is a high.

At the last couple meetings, Donna and Lisa have mentioned writing for different avenues as a way to break out. Robbie Hess spoke on this also during her presentation at the July meeting. They gave me ideas, so I decided to rewrite two free read submissions which were rejected by an e-press [who shall not be named] This particular press doesn't accept stories where the H&H are married. Apparently married people aren't romantic or create romance. [A rant better saved for a later date.].

One of the presses mentioned by Donna, Lisa and Robbie reacquires 500-1000 words so I had some trimming to do. I discovered it can be done!!! I also discovered how much fun writing is. I submitted the first story in late July, the second before August 1st. Unfortunately, the agency is considering taking a hiatus from publishing romances. All that work might be for naught, but then again perhaps not. The point is I did something I never thought I could do.

Could this be Thinking Outside the Box?

the second press requires 3,000 -- 5,000 words. Hmm. I took the same stories, played with them, changed the names and locations, and went to town. For one, finding 3000 words was sheer torture!!! [two people making up after a bitter argument].
The other was easier, probably because there was more external conflict [a Take Back the Night march which goes sour; the protesters are arrested because they failed to obtain a permit to march]. That story was a lot of fun to write. Another example of TOTB? I hope so.

For myself, I have rediscovered the high writing brought me in the past. And what fun it is.
What is your high?

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to your experience. Sometimes it's not enough to write well. It takes luck and timing as well!!!

    My high comes when I'm not sure where I'm going with a story, but suddenly something just clicks. Having to stop is a burden, even if it's because I need to get something to eat. It's almost like I'm addicted to my story. I might be playing games with my kids, but in my head I'm pondering what would be the best way to work in a particular situation into my novel. Gotta love those highs.

    Thanks for a great post, Kat.
