Monday, August 17, 2009

Inspiration Days

Some days, it seems like you start more than you finish. The brain is racing with a million ideas you can’t wait to get on paper, but alas, life gets in the way. Maybe you’re at work or just caught up in another project. What to do?
I make lists. On word documents, I keep two lists, future story subject and future blogs. I try to give myself enough information to jog the memory. And, I always go back and update the list.
Post-it notes are an addiction for me. At all times, there’s a pad within three steps of me. I use them to mark magazine pages. At work, I jot little note to myself and stuff them into my pockets.
I keep a pen and index cards in the console of my truck in case an idea hits while I’m driving. A spiral notebook goes along for the ride anytime I go with my husband. For long trips, I keep two handy. Lately, I’ve been carrying a tiny note pad in my pocket. Hey, you never know. I even have a Sony IC recorder which I haven’t mastered, yet.
Inspiration days are great even if you don’t get to write. Sure beats sitting in front of the computer without a clue.

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