Thursday, April 1, 2010

Write your heart...

As an editor and a reader for The Wild Rose Press, I've seen many, many different types of books come through the doors. I've seen books written I just know the author's trying to push through because the topic is what's 'in' right now. Or trying to do a twist on a popular theme. Now in theory there's nothing wrong with this. However, if you aren't writing your heart, or your passion, it shows on paper. It's lifeless, or cardboard. Flat characters.

Or crazy ideas... Things that may make even the most prolific romance reader cringe in horror.

My first book is not ready for prime time publishing. But I think about it all the time. I love the hero/heroine. I still love the story. And I'm sure at some point I'll take it out, dust it off, and give it a rewrite.
I am trying to get published. But I need to remember too, to write my heart. Otherwise, what's the point?

For those that are multi-published, I wonder if this is hard to do?

1 comment:

  1. We are a fellowship of those who love the word and are determined to find those words between the covers.
    Please visit my blog:

    New This Month
    This month I begin a new feature:

    A monthly guest blog or interview with an aspiring or newly published author. Our first guest, on April 15, will be Christi Corbett from Christi Corbett’s Blog … A Writer’s Path to Publication.

    Her link is on the right.

    As always, I intend to impose my half-witted humor whenever and wherever possible.

    In the world
    There are no borders
    No limits with,
    Florence Fois
