Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Spy

Inventing characters involves skillful observation. Next time you’re in a coffee shop, food court, or stuck in a boring meeting, look around. I bet there’s a whole cast of characters waiting to be discovered.
Pick a subject and covertly jot down as many details as possible. Any unusual mannerisms? Is that hair color real? What does their posture say about them?
Later, go through your notes. Do you have the makings of a hero? Dreamy steele-blue eyes, dark wavy hair, crisp pressed trousers.
A loveable side-kick? Food stained T-shirt, backwards turned baseball cap, deep tan with mahogany eyes.
Or do you have a villain? Shifty eyes, chewed finger nails, and a shaggy uni-brow.
There are ton of characters just waiting to star in your next novel. Now get out there and find them!

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