Monday, September 20, 2010

Post Conference Euphoria

Kudos to the LC_RW Conference Committee. I have to admit I had some concerns as to the feasibility of holding a conference at the time. Much to my delighted surprise, the whole event went smoothly and in my opinion, was a success.

The intimacy of the setting with under 25 people made the workshops very enjoyable. With pitches to a local publisher as an added draw, my time at the conference was worth every penny.

Now the conference is over. What to do? My pitch garnered me a request to submit the first three chapters of my book. Not a problem, they're polished and ready. The rest is not so ready, so I've got to plan my days with plenty of time to work on my book. I don't anticipate it to take long because the creative juices are bubbling over.

Thankfully (sorry dear) my husband just left this morning for a business trip. What does that mean? Uninterrupted time to work at my computer. The kids (23 and 18) have been told they'll need to help more as I get things moving. My goal? To be finished with latest draft by next week.

Who else has the new impetus to create as a result of the conference?

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