Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Days!!

Oops! I missed my blog yesterday, so here I am making it up. Life is finally settling back to normal after a rather hectic weekend. With a day trip to Ithaca on Saturday to work on the conference I'm running in April, then a trip to Philadelphia on Sunday for a one hour appointment for my daughter, it's no wonder I didn't make it back to Rochester until Tuesday :) When I don't get a good night's sleep long drives with the sun shining make for a sleepy driver. Stopped in Ithaca for the night and made it back home by 10:30 am Tuesday.

Yesterday was the first day with my newly revised daily regime. My son, Steve, put a kink in the old regime by signing up for track and field. Instead of picking him up at 3pm, I now need to pick him up at 5. Thanks, Steve, for putting a crimp in my day. At least I'm saner than I used to be and can adjust reasonably well to these little hiccups.

Last night forced hubby on a date night. Remind me not to be so pushy about it. I forget that what starts out to be a nice evening discussing family matters in a calm, well-meaning manner turns into a haranguing tirade about all the problems we are facing. I really don't need that, but I guess that's what having a partner is all about.

So now here's the reason for the title of this blog. Today was weigh-in day. Remember that last month, I had a 'zero' result month. Drum-roll please! I lost 9.5 pounds in the last month and have a grand total loss of...

Are you ready for it?

You'd better sit down!

A grand total loss of.....107.5 pounds!!!!!! This loss is over 19 months!

Picture me taking a bow :)

Now I just need to achieve my writing goal before the next meeting and I'm on my way to being a success in life :)


  1. You are amazing!! And an inspiration!!!

  2. {Blush} Thanks, Donna, but I did't do it myself. I have a great support system and a good relationship with the man above ;)
