Monday, November 29, 2010


Why is it when the days get shorter, my time seems to shorten as well? There seems to be no end to the list of things I need to do and no time in which to do it. Even my writing has suffered.

I started the NaNoWriMo challenge on November 1 with the full intent to finish. Things went well for the first two weeks. Now, according to the stats tab on my NaNoWriMo page, I won't finish the 50,000 challenge until Jan. 15. How sad is that?

However, many of the delays are of my own making. Parts of my life have gotten out of control and makes for difficult times at home. I need to take some time to sit down and re-evaluate what I want and what I need to do. This goes for my writing too.

My goal for January is to submit my current manuscript to one of the major publishing houses within the next month. I really don't want to have to put a buck in the kitty for not making that goal. HeHe. The one thing I will not do is overtax myself to achieve that goal. To that end, my head is beginning to ache. Must mean it's time to go to bed.

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