Monday, November 15, 2010


Evolution. What does that word mean? To me it means re-creation, restructuring, rebuilding. My writing is undergoing a re-creation. Book number two and three are going off in a different direction than I originally intended. The changes are for the better, so much that when I finish writing a scene I get all excited. Chills run through my arms and I get that rush when things gel just right.

My writing has gone through a form of restructuring as well. I'm trying to go about my writing in a more formated way, instead of by the seat of my pants. What did I know about character development? Nothing! What is a turning point? Darned if I knew.

I was talking with my son last week about what I was learning about these two writing structures and he laughed at me. "We learned that in third grade,Mom," he says. Well, I don't know about you, but I don't remember learning it in third grade or any grade for that matter.

Maybe I'm a slow learner or a late bloomer, but at least I'm making progress. I'm pleased with what I'm creating now and can't wait to get to the endings. Who knew plotting could be so fun!

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