Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Book Reviews

Several years ago, for a short period of time, we had a regular spot on our meeting agenda for book reviews. Newly published or years old, it didn't matter, as long as the book was "new" to the LCRW reviewer.

I'd like to revive that agenda item here on the blog. There are a couple reasons for this. All are personal: I don't have to worry about a blog topic and it gives me an excuse to read for pleasure or research. Anything to get away from editor work.

For my first effort, I offer John Sanford's "Heat Lightening" a police procedural set in Minnesota, the second in the Virgil Flowers series. I learned about B.C.A. officer Flowers while listening to the audio version of Sanford's latest Lucas Davenport "Prey" story. Virgil is a younger, handsomer version of Lucas--to quote Mr. Flowers.

I had feared I might find myself cuddled up with a clone of Lucas, but soon realized that Virgil is a character all his own, and vastly different from the smart mouth, sarcastic Davenport. Don't get me wrong, Virgil's got a mouth on him, too, particularly when he discovers the next in a long line of ex-wives. Not yet 40 he's been married 3 or 4 times; must be the influence of his minister father [marry them before you ____ them]. Rather than a former hockey player, he's an outdoorsman who quotes Virgil, Camus, and Proust and is better known around Minneapolis and St. Paul for the naturalist articles he writes for magazines which attract fans who hunt, fish, trap etc for fun, profit, and relaxation. Plus, an occasional quote from the Bible.

Add to all that an interesting mystery that has me turning the pages. I appreciate a book that you can't put down, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like a "page turner." You can't put it down, yet dread the time you finish that last page.
