Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Putting my mind to it, I'm finding myself working on my mss more than ever. Granted, I'm copying it to a notebook that's easier to travel with and leaving room to really tweak the passages and make the story flow quicker and smoother. A critique partner from the Rose Trellis suggested I take several pages at a time and see where I could consolidate scenes and give more insights from the antagonists' perception.

I've been told I write great dialogue, but reading and writing over this piece, I see my scenes are dialogue-saturated. Compared to most books in print, my dialogue is over-kill. So, with that in mind, I'm excited to see this mss evolve into something worthwhile. The old adage, "Practice makes perfect," is true. The more I practice writing scenes, the better they're getting.

Hopefully, this helps others who are struggling with their mss. Thank you, Steve, for the mechanical pencils (gift exchange at Holiday Party). They are coming in very useful as I work on my mss while I wait for my 17 yr old to finish his intramural games. I transcribe in pen, but double-spaced and go over it with pencil for changes.

1 comment:

  1. I too am a dialog it! In my first novel adding description and action was as hard as pulling my own teeth with no anesthesia.
    But it's gotten easier. I just close my eyes and picture the scene, then try to describe it.
