Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hi folks,
Well guess what? I not only missed a day, when I did realize what an idiot I was, I did a catchup but if you don't post it, it doesn't show up. Today was a day for getting rid of old junke I say that because it might have been valuable to someone but I have no use for old pipe fittings. My hubby saved all sorts of (to me) useless stuff.
I want to tell you all I had a wonderful time at the Christmas party and if you weren't there you should definitely plan on making it next time. I had a shrimp scampi that was the best I've ever tasted. The company was great and talk abounded. We all learned something. Getting together in a non-business setting is wonderful and I look forward to doing it more often.
I hope everyone had wonderful holidays, mine were especially nice. Both of my children are in tight money straights, so gave me the most wonderful gift possible. They each wrote me a letter telling me what I mean to them. One grandson and a new granddaughter did the same. To be able to re-read them gives me a boost on a down day.
My little doggie had most of his indestructible toys destroyed in less than 30 minutes. But he had a ball doing it. I think he could demolish Kevlar (the material used in bulletproof vests)
I shan't forget next time so I'll talk at ya on the 19th

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