Monday, December 14, 2009

Life Changes

Today I'm amazed at how much my life has changed in the last year. Thank God for these changes.

First, I've been writing again. Of course, I haven't finished anything and do tend to get distracted away from writing for long stretches. One of my resolutions for 2010 will be to dedicate a certain time frame each day to writing.

Second, I've lost 89.5 pounds in 16 months. Energy I've never experienced is driving me batty :) I'm seriously considering renting a 'Mrs. Claus' costume. The owner of Arlene's Costumes is a friend and wants to deck me out. Can't wait to see if I can fit into one of them. The one I looked at in Eastview Mall is so svelte-looking, I'm feeling sexy already.

Third, I've reconnected with my friends at LC_RW. I've missed being with you and I'm grateful for your friendship. I'm looking forward to the party on Saturday. Shall I dress up? :)