Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Working Together

Of late, I've had the privilege to work with a number of LCRW members on two committees, as well as one to one.
Members are working together, and having some real fun while doing it, to pull off next year's conference, the first one we've had in a number of years [if count back to 2000 and before that]. We met in the middle of downtown, at a cafe on East Ave on a Friday night at 8PM. To some, this would be a scary undertaking: braving the streets of Rochester after dark, parking in a garage or open lot or on the street. It wasn't at all. And East Ave is BUSY on a Friday night. All sorts of funky cafes and shops and bars. No matter, we laughed the entire time!!
Another committee is working on the contest, not a new endeavor for us, but certainly a new format, and hopefully, a new customer base. This has been enjoyable for a number of reasons, getting to know one another and learning new skills [creating camera ready ads anyone? How about studying local colleges to determine if they offer creative or fiction writing courses?] in a number of areas.
Lastly, one by one, LCRW members are spreading the word about our doings which have generated offers for corporate sponsorship for the Andersen conference.

What a joy that is.

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed that Friday night as well, Kat. Looking forward to seeing where the next steps lead us with both the conference and the contest!

