Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I thought my post was today, but it was yesterday. (Tuesday)

As you've written over the years, have you noticed it getting easier or harder? Have you developed techniques you didn't have in the beginning?
For example, I've found outlining to be invaluable. My first novel I didn't outline. I just wrote.
My second, about half and half.
My third, I have a complete outline and now I'm writing. However, I had a ton of scenes already written. I have about 5 incomplete novels and loads of ideas. I plan to finish all of them.
But this time, outlining was easier. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I'm enjoying the writing. It'll be interesting to go back and read it and see if it sucks. :)
Really, its amazing how much time you can spend on writing and not get paid at all. Hoping it will pay off in the end, but knowing if it doesn't I'd still keep writing.

It's very late, and I'm writing this after work, so it's probably barely legible.
Sorry about the rambling...

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me chuckle, Christine! So many things reminded me of my writing. Personaly, writing has become more difficult with each new story I start. I think I worry more about improving and that trips me up. Although I'd like to outline -- I've never been able to follow through on. Seat of the pants is the only way I fly :-)

    Sadly, I'm never sure if my writing stinks...even if I read it over a hundred times. I suspect it does!

