Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Labor Day is traditionally a day to celebrate the struggles and accomplishments of organized labor. While I don’t belong to any union, I do belong to LCRW.
LCRW is a union of sorts, writers joining to hone their craft, promote their works, and lend support. Personally, I can attest to the fact that I’ve become a better writer through my association.
The support and encouragement permeating from the group is immeasurable. The genres may be different, but as writers we all share a bond. Non-writers just don’t get it. They can’t feel the sting of rejection or understand the euphoria of a by-line.
At every meeting, one can feel momentum building, new ideas, projects, and goals, all moving forward and expanding. It’s hard not to get caught up in the excitement with contests and conferences on the horizon.
So, I’ll take Labor Day opportunity to say ‘Thank you’ to LCRW and all the members, past, present, and future for making it such a wonderful organinztion.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice post, Donna! I totally agree. One of the aspects of LCRW that I enjoy the most is that members are writing within different genres. It's a nice way to learn about opportunities that exist beyond my target market.

    Hope you enjoyed a great Labor Day weekend!

