Tuesday, March 3, 2009


At the meeting on Sat. I brought up discipline. I am pretty much sorely lacking. BUT I have gotten a few scenes written this week. However, this is my typical morning.
Open email.
Check email.
Open facebook.
Surf facebook, change status, send a message or two etc.
Play mousehunt.
Open word, start writing. Write a scene. Do research in Yahoo. See interesting article in Yahoo and read it.
Back to writing.
Etc. etc.
This is why I need my laptop back. Nah...I have internet there too. This is why I need discipline. Ugh.

So okay. A better way.

Good morning...check email. Answer back if important.
Open Word and start writing. Keep writing for at least an hour.
Then check facebook??? NO.
Keep writing for another hour. Stop only to take care of important bodily functions. (That probably shouldn't include eating chocolate.) But I do need bfast and lunch.
After writing for at least two hours...then I can reward myself with facebook or chocolate.
Or both.
Okay...back to writing.

1 comment:

  1. LOL your day sounds about the same as mine, Christine! Little wonder I never accomplish anything. *G* Except, of course, for the all important chocolate-eating.
