Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just call me Pinball Brain

Does the title have you guessing? I hope so. Let me elaborate here.

Lately with the stress of life as the mother of three young adults who don't drive, part-time restaurant hostess and now waitress for two evenings, I feel my life's control slipping away from me. One case in point? I missed my blogging obligation yesterday.

Between taking a short morning nap, working the lunch hour and the returning to waitress the evening shift, I didn't get much of my planned work completed. I didn't have enough time to make dinner - it doesn't help when I don't plan it ahead of time. The laundry still sits (it's only mine and I'm not running out). The powder room didn't get its weekly clean either.

I can say that I've got a manuscript ready for submission to a second publisher - the publisher I've dreamed of writing for most of my life. My first try at a synopsis turned out to be the back-of-the-book blurb. Now, after confering with my critique friends, I've got a decent synopsis, a query letter and the first few chapters ready to go. Of course, I couldn't get my husband to understand the need to keep working on it. He thinks that since I have the work in one place, I can sit on my hands and wait for a response before working on anything else. EEKKKK!!! Do they ever get it? I think mine's only going to get it when I can show a sale.

To top it off, today's list hasn't been completed either. Maybe that afternoon appointment wasn't necessary today. Then again, it was and I do feel better for having it. So, the list piles up. With a commitment tonight, when am I going to get things finished?

Do you think it would help if I got to bed at a reasonable hour and didn't have a need to take that morning nap? Probably. Will I be able to do it tonight? It doesn't look like it. Have to drive all the way out to Charlotte and pick up my van from rhe repair shop.

I think one of the events that have tipped the scales toward the feeling of my brain being a pinball in my skull was the near misses I've had with deer for the past three days. Every day I have encounter a deer running in the path of my car, my heart stops beating and my nerves stretch tighter and tighter. My body feels so strung out it's hard to fall asleep.

Someone suggested I try not to drive at night. I responded, "How will I get home from work?" Answer - "Husband?" My response? "Yeah, right."

So you get the drift. I hope this blog is entertaining as well as a warning to others not to let their lives get to this point. Why do I want to stop the pinball?? The holiday season is upon us, my favorite time of year, and I don't feel festive. I want the season to go away. So NOT me. Thanks for letting get this out of my system.

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