Monday, November 2, 2009

A letter to an Agent...

Dear Prospective Agent,

What do you want from me? I'm a good writer. Really....I am. Just because I can't write a two paragraph letter that would wow Ernest Hemmingway, doesn't mean I can't write. You just have to give me a chance. I promise you'll like it. Really.



Okay, so how many of us feel like this when faced with writing a query letter. I feel like I'm stuck on the process. I have gotten critiques, opinions, read articles etc. And now I don't even want to look at my letter. (Picture me plugging my ears, closing my eyes and singing off key really loud.)

The query process is intimidating. To say the least. So tomorrow is the day. I will spend a couple of hours on it again. Take what I've learned, do a little more research and see what comes of it. (Scratch that....Wednesday is the day, my daughter does not have school tomorrow.) Hey, I wrote 2 1/2 novels, I can write a simple letter. Right?

I just hate the thought of someone passing me over because my query letter sucks.
What is your experience with Query letters? Leave a comment and tell me.


  1. I have to say I've had good luck with all my queries. I'd say 1 out of 5 agents requested at least a partial from my query. A few wanted to see my manuscripts...including one well known agent who I later discovered was closed to submissions from unpublished writers! Turned out his agency was too busy to deal with a newbie, but the point was my query got him to want to take a look! And that's what you want.

  2. christine,
    Romantic Times offers an ongoing column written by agent Jessica Faust on writing query letters. I can't recall what I did with the latest issue but will start saving the columns for you.

  3. Christine,
    the website of a former member, Andrea Wilder, indicates she is represented by the Knight Agency. I went to their website. Under Submission Guidelines, they offer several hits regarding writing query letters.
    Maybe there is something there for you.
    good luck

  4. Thanks guys! I'll check those out, and I'll keep plugging.
