Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Let's reminisce...

I'm tossing this out to everyone because I'd like to know...what were the first stories you ever wrote?

I'm fortunate enough to have a notebook of stories I wrote in either the first or second grade. They're mostly about kids who are different and the teasing they endured. You can look at it from a psychological viewpoint if you wish.

My sister and I also came up with characters that we made into comics and picture books. I was about seven then. I still have all fifty or so of them. Some were "touch and feel" books where we pasted in food. Those are a tad on the gross side. Although if you ever ate prepackaged brownies in the 70's, they're probably taking up residence in your stomach, completely untouched.

When I was thirteen I wrote my first "novel." It was about what would happen to my friend, my sister and I when we became adults. I actually wrote sex scenes, despite being clueless about how everything worked. I believe it was the only time I've ever written romance. :)

Do you remember some of the first stories you wrote? I'd love to hear about them!



  1. I wrote a ton of poems, I had a notebook of them, I remember reading them to the class in 4-5th grade.

    In early high school I wrote a Remington Steele episode, and then I wrote a romance novel about me and Corey Hart. One of my favorite singers at the time. I had soo much fun writing it.
    I remember writing sex scenes or almost sex scenes and didn't know anything either. I'd like to find that, I know all of them are somewhere.

    Good post!

  2. Wow - nostalgia. I did write a few, but the only two I remember well are "The Mystery of the Lost Skull," which I wrote at nine (always into mystery in those days), and one about a Scottish lad (definietly in kilts) who met a highland lassie and fell in love. That one was submitted to a contest, but just like today, didn't make it. I have a big black notebook full of short stories - most have a slightly macabre flavor for some reason. If anybody still has these old stories, it would be fun to read them aloud at our meetings now and then (in the winter when we need something fun to get through the dreariness).


  3. Ok, I remember the first painting, I painted and exhibited as well as the first pencil piece I did...1st grade. Surprisingly, the first story wasn't until I was in 5th grade about how ants came to take away all the syrup in the house only to perish in a river of molasses. My first novel was when I was a teenager working on a sci-fi phoneix rebirth story surround three friends.
    This will date me, in high school, I had a song published in a book of stories and poetry folklore the title.. Sadamn let my people go.
    I just remembered how much truly I love to write. If I could write about ants and things, I can write anything.

  4. Fun topic! When I starting writing it was non-fiction, Letters to the Editor of Boston's two major papers. At the age of 12 I had my first letter printed in the Boston Globe. I wrote commentary on everything from sports to politics to religion. By the time I graduated from high school I had my letters published a dozen times.

    Sadly, I can't remember my first attempt at fiction :-(

