Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kind Words From a Stranger

As a reader I've often wondered what was the most difficult part of writing a book. Some authors say the first line. Some say the saggy middle. While others struggle with creating a satisfying ending. Although none of those things were easy for me when I sat down to write my first two manuscripts, they were far less stressful than what was to follow.

It wasn't until my first two novels were contracted, edited and released that I experienced true anxiety. Feedback. The truth is I would like everyone that purchases a book with my name on it to have a pleasant reading experience. Sadly, this simply isn't possible. As a voracious reader I've picked up books that I've adored and some that have landed with a thud against my living room wall.

This brings me to the point of my post. Sometimes an unexpected kindness gives you a boost when you need it most. Tuesday I received a lovely email from the founder of a well known review site. It seems that she stumbled upon both of my books and in her words 'loved them'. In fact she wanted to know about future stories and whether any secondary characters would now have their own book.

Now, I'm pretty sure this individual had no idea how much I genuinely appreciated her thoughtfulness. See, I'm not really at a point where I consider myself an author. Maybe that comes with time and far greater experience. But yesterday I felt like I moved one step closer to the real deal. More than anything it's given me one more thing that I can hold close to my heart when I encounter the crush of future rejection. In an industry of ups and downs --- a few small words go a long way!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! What a great compliment! All my fav. authors are ones who write series. I'm sure you are very excited.
    I'm planning to grow some extra skin when I finally get published.
